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I am a journalism graduate, I am a dreamer, I love fashion, I am messy, I am in love... and I find it really hard to resist a Starbucks white mocha with cream. If you think that we could be friends, welcome to my blog :) I'm Dani, and I graduated from De Montfort University in May 2009 after three wonderful years studying Journalism and English Literature.... and one day, I WILL be a magazine editor.! I'm used to the blogging world, but this blog has been set up especially to keep track of my journalism applications, my successes, my failures... However, I'm willing to let you in on a little bit of my wonderful life too........ enjoy the ride!

Monday 17 August 2009

A day's insight to more! magazine

My wonderful first day at more! magazine was filled with... well, nothing really!! But it was fun. And nice to see everything in motion, even if not many people really talk to you! But thankfully there is another girl, L, who started her work experience with more! too this morning... I was sooo glad when I realised they took on two per week.

We started the morning by mailing out the copies to PR agencies, news agencies... and Alan Carr. Upside - we had read the magazine more than 24 hours before it hit the shelves. Downside - lots of shoving a magazine in an envelope and sticking! After that we sorted the mail - the amount that some of the editors get is amazing!

Oo and I forgot to mention, Heat, Grazia and Closer are all in the same building, and we had to go over to grab new copies of their magazines. All of the offices are the same... quite small, not too spacious, and full head to toe, wall to wall with magazines and covers alike!

So after the mail we got researching for Man Quotes and yummy men for Man Talk. This took us up until about lunchtime, and L and I grabbed a baguette from across the road. It's located on Shaftesbury Avenue, literally a 5 minute walk from Covent Garden so hopefully the weather stays up and we can have a few nice lunches in the square.

After lunch I picked a few competition winners (5 winners out of 2500 entries........) and helped get some ideas together for the Inbox page, including the Pub Dilemmas. I had to quickly nip out to the shop (with one of the editor's debit cards) to buy a couple of magazines... felt very Devil Wears Prada-ish, before coming back and preparing some answers to reader's letters for tomorrow morning.

I got back all in one piece on the tube and am now completely completely shattered! But looking forward to doing it all again tomorrow morning.

Sunday 9 August 2009

More magazine : argh!

One week today until I arrive in London for my fortnight at more! magazine!!

Scary scary scary!!!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Insight magazine: Day 6 & 7

The magazine came out today!!!!! With all of my work in it, it was a proud moment. I'd written so much more than I realised, and completely love all of it. Another good thing is that the work I've done this week goes into the new mag next week, so there's two magazines to put my name to, which will look really good for my portfolio.

Had a few more generals and edits to write yesterday and today, but not really that much to do, so in-between time was filled with eating bad food, gossiping a little and waiting for phone calls!

I have enjoyed my time here SO MUCH and I'd really love to go back, very very very soon!

Sunday 2 August 2009

Insight magazine: Day 4 & 5

Today, my editor said: "If I had a vacancy, you would have had a job by now" ahhhhh!!!

I both love it and hate it; it's great to hear her say something like that and actually mean it, but on the other hand, there are only two journalists and they love their jobs so much that they're never going to leave!!!!!!

For the final two days of the week at Insight magazine, we were constantly rushed, making phone calls, writing generals, writing editorials, sending editorial proofs, sending design proofs, and generally making sure the magazine was in top notch to send off to print. It was pretty manic and there was a lot of writing and checking and interviewing to do, but I loved it!!

That 750-word piece on the Candy Spa that I sent over to proof was loved so much that, added with a good pitch from our sales execs, the owner bought 4 pages of space for next week's edition! Contributing towards selling £3k worth of space was a proud moment!

I've really loved this week at Insight, it's given me a great insight (ha ha!) into the workings of a magazine, and I'm grateful that I was given all of the tasks that I was. They got me working hard! And the best bit was, I didn't have to say goodbye, because I'm back there on Tuesday and Wednesday next week! Yay!